Basic Info

Name 601 Fly Wing
Item ID 601 - Wing_Of_Fly
Type Usable
The wings cut from fly to be made into enchanted item.
Class: Usable item
Effect: Teleport to random cell
Weight: 5


Weight 5
NPC Buy 60 z
NPC Sell 30 z
Refineable No
Equip Locations None


Range 0
Defense 0
Attack 0
Magical Attack 0
Weapon Level 0
Slots 0


Level Range Any
Usage Can't be used while sitting
Trade None
Job Class Types Normal / Upper / Baby
Job Classes All Jobs
Gender Any


Use Script
itemskill AL_TELEPORT,1;
Equip Script
Unequip Script

Dropped by

ID Monster Chance Level Race Element
2872 Elusive Chonchon 100% 5 Insect Wind 1
2680 Elusive Rocker 100% 15 Insect Earth 1
2868 Swift Coco 100% 38 Brute Earth 1
2839 Swift Elder Willow 100% 34 Plant Fire 2
2845 Drops Ringleader 80% 2 Plant Fire 1
2679 Furious Roda Frog 80% 13 Fish Water 1
2741 Muka Ringleader 80% 23 Plant Earth 1
2678 Roda Frog Ringleader 80% 13 Fish Water 1
2869 Solid Coco 80% 38 Brute Earth 1
2840 Solid Elder Willow 80% 34 Plant Fire 2
2770 Solid Lunatic 80% 3 Brute Neutral 3
2628 Solid Vadon 80% 45 Fish Water 1
2847 Elusive Drainliar 75% 47 Brute Dark 2
2698 Elusive Poring 75% 1 Plant Water 1
2697 Furious Poring 75% 1 Plant Water 1
2696 Poring Ringleader 75% 1 Plant Water 1
2699 Swift Poring 75% 1 Plant Water 1
1592 Gangster 60% 40 Demi-Human Neutral 1
1199 Punk 55% 82 Plant Wind 1
1627 Anopheles 50% 95 Insect Wind 3
2707 Furious Plankton 50% 40 Plant Water 3
1508 Quve 50% 100 Undead Undead 1
2718 Elusive Peco Peco 45% 25 Brute Fire 1
2613 Swift Wolf 32.5% 45 Brute Earth 1
2066 Anopheles 30% 5 Insect Wind 3
2067 Anopheles 30% 3 Insect Wind 3
2771 Lunatic Ringleader 30% 3 Brute Neutral 3
3495 Eggring 25% 1 Plant Earth 1
3496 Leaf Lunatic 25% 3 Brute Neutral 3
1056 Smokie 25% 31 Brute Earth 1
1321 Dragon Tail 15% 86 Insect Wind 2
2765 Solid Mandragora 15% 13 Plant Earth 3
2642 Solid Steel Chonchon 15% 48 Insect Wind 1
2848 Swift Dragon Tail 15% 86 Insect Wind 2
2813 Elusive Goblin 13.5% 48 Demi-Human Wind 1
2814 Swift Goblin 13.5% 48 Demi-Human Wind 1
2703 Elusive Poporing 12.5% 30 Plant Poison 1
2890 Furious Argos 12.5% 47 Demi-Human Wind 2
2702 Furious Poporing 12.5% 30 Plant Poison 1
2701 Poporing Ringleader 12.5% 30 Plant Poison 1
2829 Swift Seal 12.5% 47 Brute Water 1
2722 Furious Orc Warrior 10.5% 44 Demi-Human Earth 1
2855 Baby Desert Wolf Ringle 10% 14 Brute Fire 1
2694 Elusive Raggler 10% 48 Brute Wind 1
2856 Furious Baby Desert Wol 10% 14 Brute Fire 1
2609 Solid Yoyo 10% 41 Brute Earth 1
2608 Swift Yoyo 10% 38 Brute Earth 1
1011 Chonchon 5% 5 Insect Wind 1
1183 Chonchon 5% 5 Insect Wind 1
2670 Elusive Scorpion 5% 16 Insect Fire 1
2864 Solid Cornutus 5% 48 Fish Water 1
2863 Swift Creamy 5% 23 Insect Wind 1
2884 Bigfoot Ringleader 4% 29 Brute Earth 1
2833 Elusive Familiar 2.5% 24 Brute Dark 1
1005 Familiar 2.5% 24 Brute Dark 1
2712 Furious Picky 2.5% 10 Brute Fire 1
2668 Sea Otter Ringleader 2.5% 48 Brute Water 3
2646 Swift Spore 2.5% 18 Plant Water 1
2762 Furious Marin 2% 37 Plant Water 2
2660 Elusive Skeleton Worker 0.5% 44 Undead Undead 1
2645 Elusive Stainer 0.5% 21 Insect Wind 1
2737 Furious Myst Case 0.5% 39 Formless Neutral 3
2649 Furious Soldier Skeleto 0.5% 34 Undead Undead 1
2648 Soldier Skeleton Ringle 0.5% 34 Undead Undead 1
2760 Solid Martin 0.5% 39 Brute Earth 2
2725 Solid Orc Lady 0.5% 45 Demi-Human Earth 2
2857 Elusive Deniro 0.4% 31 Insect Earth 1
2865 Cookie Ringleader 0.25% 35 Demi-Human Neutral 3
2836 Fabre Ringleader 0.25% 6 Insect Earth 1
2654 Furious Smokie 0.25% 29 Brute Earth 1
2835 Solid Fabre 0.25% 6 Insect Earth 1
2705 Solid Poison Spore 0.25% 26 Plant Poison 1
2610 Wormtail Ringleader 0.25% 17 Plant Earth 1
2902 Solid Andre 0.2% 33 Insect Earth 1
2905 Elusive Ambernite 0.1% 19 Insect Water 1
2653 Boa Ringleader 0.05% 18 Brute Earth 1
2671 Swift Savage Babe 0.05% 14 Brute Earth 1