Basic Info

Name 520016 Chevalier Axe
Item ID 520016 - Chevalier_Axe
Type Weapon - One-Handed Axe
An axe for loyal servants of the Rune Midgard kingdom.
Indestructible, CRI + 10, HIT + 10.
For every refine level, ATK + 3.
For every 15 Base Level, ATK + 3. (up to Base Level 120)
If +7 or higher, ASPD + 1% per level of [Weaponry Research].
If +7 or higher, ASPD + 3%.
Class : One-Handed Axe Attack : 150
Weight : 0
Weapon Level : 2
Required Level : 60
Jobs : Blacksmith


Weight 0
NPC Buy 0 z
NPC Sell 0 z
Refineable Yes
Equip Locations Main Hand


Range 1
Defense 0
Attack 150
Magical Attack 0
Weapon Level 2
Slots 0


Level Range 60 +
Usage None
Trade Can't be dropped / Can't be traded or vended / Can't be sold to NPCs / Can't be placed into Cart / Can't be placed into Storage / Can't be placed into Guild Storage / Can't be placed into Master Storage
Job Class Types Normal / Upper / Baby
Job Classes Blacksmith
Gender Any


Use Script
bonus(bUnbreakableWeapon, 0); bonus(bCritical, 10); bonus(bHit, 10); bonus(bBaseAtk, 3 * getrefine() + 3 * min(BaseLevel, 120)/15); if (getrefine() >= 7) bonus(bAspdRate, 3 + getskilllv(BS_WEAPONRESEARCH));
Equip Script
Unequip Script