Basic Info

Name 13049 Lacma[1]
Item ID 13049 - Lacma
Type Weapon - Dagger
A short blade with beautiful decoration of gemstone.
Refine Level +3: ATK +40 and MATK +40.
Refine Level +6: increase damage against medium size monster by 8%.
Has low chance for 5 second ignore weapon size penalty.
Refine Level +9: increase damage against medium size monster by 20%.
Refine Level +12: ignore weapon size penalty.
[When on Gold PC Cafe]
Restore 1 SP for every hit.
Increase damage against medium size monster by 5%
Refine Level +8: ignore weapon size penalty.
Refine Level +9: has low chance to restore 2 SP for every hit for 5 second.
Class: Dagger
Attack: 45
Weight: 65
Weapon Level: 3
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: Novice, Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief, Soul Linker and Ninja


Weight 65
NPC Buy 20 z
NPC Sell 10 z
Refineable Yes
Equip Locations Main Hand


Range 1
Defense 0
Attack 45
Magical Attack 0
Weapon Level 3
Slots 1


Level Range Any
Usage None
Trade Can't be dropped
Job Class Types Normal / Upper / Baby
Job Classes Novice / Swordsman / Magician / Archer / Merchant / Thief / Knight / Wizard / Blacksmith / Hunter / Assassin / Crusader / Sage / Rogue / Alchemist / Bard/Dancer / Soul Linker / Ninja / Kagerou/Oboro
Gender Any


Use Script
if(getrefine()>=3) { bonus bAtk,40; bonus bMatk,40; } if(getrefine()>=6) { bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,8; autobonus "{ bonus bNoSizeFix,0; }",10,5000,0,"{ specialeffect(EF_ENHANCE, AREA, playerattached()); }"; } if(getrefine()>=9) bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,20; if(getrefine()>=12) bonus bNoSizeFix,0;
Equip Script
Unequip Script